Crisis, Business Continuity and Emergency Management Self-Survey
By William McCarson, President, McCarson Response Consulting
How resilient is your organization to adversity? We have developed the following high-level self-survey to check on your preparedness capability, based on years of experience with real-world crisis response and emergency/disaster management.
- Have you had an actual major incident within the past 3 years, and if so, did your organization respond well?
- Does your executive team place a high priority on resiliency planning, and require the necessary plans, training and exercise to support adequate response capability?
- Do you have specific response plans for the natural disasters that could occur where you operate (earthquake, flooding, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, volcano, etc.)?
- Have you conducted a systematic Hazard Analysis to determine the relative risk to your organization from all known threats?
- Do you have a comprehensive and well-developed Crisis Management Plan?
- Do you have Business Continuity Plan(s) that identify your critical business processes, and provide work-around strategies in the event of disruptions?
- Do you have an IT Disaster Recovery Plan that identifies your critical applications, and contains procedures to recover those applications and data in the event of failure?
- Do you have a Cybersecurity Plan that contains detailed information and guidance for a cyber-attack, including ransomware?
- Do you have adequate Incident Response Plans for the major hazards that apply to your sites or organization?
- Do you have adequate Emergency Response Plans for each building, facility and worksite?
- Does your organization have adequate Workplace Violence policies and procedures?
- Do you have a Travel Management Procedure that covers employee safety and security when traveling?
- Do you have a well-used and proven mass notification system to alert employees of incidents?
- Do you have a multi-year training and exercise program to ensure your response plans are valid, and train your response teams?
- Have you had your response plans reviewed by an external party to determine if there are any gaps or lack of current best practices?
Self-Evaluation Score
Number of “Yes” Answers Rating
Yes to all 15 questions.................... Very Resilient (Good job!)
11-14................................................. Medium Resilience (Work on your gaps!)
5-10................................................... Low Resilience (Re-focus and dedicate your efforts!)
0-4..................................................... Not Resilient (Ask for help!)
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us. We’d enjoy meeting you!
Jerry Chappell: (214) 215-9100
William McCarson: (713) 906-9849
McCarson Response Consulting